
Archive for January 10, 2007

The People Say "No" to More U.S. Troops

January 10, 2007 50 comments

OK, this is the dominant national issue as we await to hear from president Bush Wednesday night, making his case to escalate the war in Iraq. He speaks at 6 p.m. and we’ll carry the speech live. Also, Thursday at 5:30, Dawn Legg and Chris Ahrend will respond to the speech.

Meanwhile, the U.S. public is already speaking up — AND AGAINST Bush. They want the insanity to stop. Reports are that there are at least ten Repulbican senators also against the escalation.

WASHINGTON — President Bush will outline his “new way forward” in Iraq on Wednesday to a nation that overwhelmingly opposes sending more U.S. troops and is increasingly skeptical that the war can be won.
A USA TODAY/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday shows a daunting sales job ahead for the White House, which is considering a plan to deploy up to 20,000 additional U.S. troops to Iraq.

Those surveyed oppose the idea of increased troop levels by 61%-36%. Approval of the job Bush is doing in Iraq has sunk to 26%, a record low.

Views of the war will be difficult to change with rhetoric alone, says Steven Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland. And if the public expresses strong opposition to Bush’s plan, he says, Congress “may feel emboldened to exert what control they have to stop or at least make it more difficult for the president to move forward.”

Among key findings:

•Nearly half of those surveyed say the United States can’t achieve its goals in Iraq regardless of how many troops it sends. One in four say U.S. goals can be achieved only with an increase in troop numbers.

•Eight in 10 say the war has gone worse than the Bush administration expected. Of those people, 53% say Bush deserves “a great deal” of blame; 41% place a great deal of blame on Iraqi political leaders.

•By 72%-25%, Americans say Bush doesn’t have a clear plan for handling the situation in Iraq. Congressional Democrats fare only a little better: 66%-25%.

Even so, Democrats take control of Congress amid a wave of good feeling. By 2-to-1, Americans say they want congressional Democrats, not Bush, to have more influence over the direction of the nation.

The president’s overall job approval rating is 37%, up 2 percentage points from mid-December.

While Bush has often said his war strategy won’t be based on polls, three of four Americans say the government’s decisions on Iraq ought to be influenced at least a moderate amount by what the public wants.

Views on increased troop levels differ sharply by party. Even among Republicans, though, 30% oppose the idea; 67% support it. Independents are against it by nearly 2-to-1. Democrats oppose it, 85%-12%.

And there is a yawning gender gap: 69% of women oppose an increase, compared with 52% of men.


So what do you think? Let’s hash it out!